Summer Schools overview

ASE Summer Schools offer students the opportunity to undertake a five-week course of study for credit in the World Heritage City of Bath, England.

June 7 - July 12, 2025

As a student on any of ASE’s Summer Schools in Bath, you can expect:

  • Five weeks in the World Heritage City of Bath

  • Residence in handsome houses and apartments in historic neighbourhoods

  • Small seminar classes taught by British and American faculty

  • A residential trip:

    • a three-day residential trip to the Dorset coast (main and Education Summer Schools)

    • a two-day residential trip to Stratford-upon-Avon (Theatre Summer School)

  • A course-related overnight study trip

  • Whole-programme visits to Glastonbury, Stonehenge and Oxford

  • Weekly social events


“What is truly significant and special about the ASE summer school program, is its ability to provide a lifetime of experience in five weeks.”

— Shonda Buchanan, Hampton University


Main Summer School

The main Summer School comprises two courses, chosen from a rich menu: a Seminar Course taught by a professor from one of ASE's US partner institutions; and a Core Course taught by British faculty.


Education Summer School

Students considering a future involving teaching can choose to enrol for ASE’s Education Summer School, which combines fascinating classwork with a placement in a local primary school.


Theatre Summer School

Students with a passionate interest in theatre and performance can choose to enrol for ASE’s Theatre Summer School, where they learn, rehearse and perform with British and American professors and practitioners.

Summer courses for undergraduates are divided into two categories: Core Courses, taught by our British faculty, and Seminar Courses, taught by professors from one of ASE's US partner institutions.

Each course is worth four credits*, with transcripts provided by Franklin & Marshall College.

We welcome applications from suitably qualified undergraduates from all US institutions of Higher Education.

The deadline for Summer School applications is Sunday, February 15, 2025.

* It is the responsibility of each student to ensure chosen course(s) satisfy the credit requirements of their home campus.

“ASE provided me with the foundation for an amazing experience, but the community of Bath, the staff at ASE, and my fellow students were what made the experience one of the best I have had as a college student.”

— Madeline Greathouse, College of William and Mary

Create your perfect summer programme.